Fixed Monthly Pricing
Running a business is a team sport, no matter the size of the business and team sports require strong interdependent relationships the foundation of which is TRUST.
One questions I'm frequently asked is "what is your hourly rate?" The inherent problem I have with this question is that answering it directly does not build TRUST.
The rarely asked underlying question, "what is your service going to cost me?" seeks the comfort of price certainty. In other words:
1) Please don't surprise me with a bill I'm not expecting,
2) Please let me know the FULL cost BEFORE I agree to hire you, and
3) Please let me know how long this will take.
To properly address these very real concerns takes a lot more work than just rattling off an hourly rate, but answering it properly starts building TRUST from day one.
With that in mind the second item in our series YOUR BOOKKEEPER SHOULD... is to provide FIXED MONTHLY PRICING.
To learn more about how we offer FIXED MONTHLY PRICING reach out to us through our website. We'd love to hear from you.
Stay tuned over the next four weeks as we share the next 8 items in our series.
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